1. a devout petition to God or an object of worship.
2. a spiritual communion with God or an object of worship, as in supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, or confession.
3. the act or practice of praying to God or an object of worship.
Prayer has been around for a very long time, by many religions. This LINK to wikipedia shares the history of Prayer as related to Christianity.

I could not imagine doing this thing we call life without the personal relationship that God wanted with me...He wanted it with me! So much so that He (Jesus) left the perfectness of heaven to come to this place He created, to live fully as a human so He could ultimately lay down His life to restore that broken relationship that sin caused. Knowing He would do that for just me, well....it's mind blowing!
Except He didn't do it for just me....He chose to die a gruesome death on a cross for ALL OF US! A gift unlike any other we can or will ever receive. A gift that oftentimes gets put on a shelf and forgotten, because the worries, stress, fun & frolicking of this life here on this earth so distract us from what truly really ultimately forever matters. Eternity...with Him or separate from Him.

Do you know Jesus? Not the historical figure as written about in the Holy Scriptures or history books...but the real person, the man who loved you so much He chose to leave heaven, live as a human and die to restore your relationship through forgiveness of those sins that so easily entangle you? Do you know that man? That heart? If not, and you are interested in meeting him...would you let me know, I'd be more than happy to introduce you to Him. I promise it's one meeting you will never regret! He really is awesome!
And if you have met Jesus, has life gotten so crazy distracting that perhaps He has become that forgotten gift placed on the shelf covered in dust? If so, why not take some time today to talk to Him...see what He might have to say to you that might inspire you to remove that gift from the shelf & clean up the dust, you might just find that it really is the best gift you've ever been given! He is waiting for you, remember He loves you so much He will NEVER force His desire to be with you on you, He will ALWAYS allow you to choose to spend time with Him.
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I'm currently part of a Bible study of the book of
Revelations. We've been studying about Jesus'
letters to the seven churches these last couple of weeks. What He said to Ephesus about losing their first love made me think. How do I fall more in love with Jesus again? Listening to Him speak through His word, talking to Him all the time are essential to staying close to Him. Prayer is such an important part of staying in communication with Him and such a
blessing to know He hears us and listens!
So true! And excellent question...How do I fall more in love with Jesus again? It starts with communication :)
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